Our smash repair services will not only fix your car but get it running in the same condition it rolled off the factory floor in.
Leave your Yennora smash repairs up to local professionals at DSY Auto! Our business specialises in high-quality restorations by professional technicians who focus on attention to detail. Our combination of expertly trained staff and the latest technology means your vehicle can be restored to pristine condition in no time at all.
At our business workshop in Yennora, NSW, we don’t take any shortcuts. Our work is done to the highest standards to ensure 100% satisfaction from our customers. Our job isn’t done until you are completely happy that your vehicle has reached its pre-accident condition that you know and love.
Smash repairs to cars have become more complex as the years go by. Today, we are able to do the necessary auto repairs, maintenance and restoration required for any vehicle that comes our way. Our team of professional panel beaters and skilled technicians can perform smash repairs on any car make or model under the sun.
Our business uses a tried and true, yet tailored process of analysis, diagnosis, and scanning for every vehicle we service. All DSY Auto staff are trained in bodywork and panel repair of the highest standards, so quality workmanship is guaranteed. And, our state of the art repair machinery is able to restore the car body and its mechanics over and above what is humanly possible. Customers can rest assured that we only use genuine parts in our business during your vehicle’s repairs.
Although DSY Auto is a business, we are run by humans: we understand that not having your vehicle after an accident can be extremely inconvenient. For this reason, we offer a drop-off and pick-up service for customers after bringing their car into our business for smash repairs. A free courtesy car can be arranged if you require a replacement vehicle while we get to work on your smash repairs.
Our NSW smash repairs workshop in Yennora is fully licensed, and we are proud members of the MTA (Motor Traders Association) of NSW. Our repair machinery and technology are state of the art and explicitly designed for smash repairs. We can expertly perform body repairs, maintenance, spray painting, panel beating and more thanks to our specialised equipment and professional workmanship. You can rest assured that we only use genuine parts for both the body and mechanics during vehicle restorations.
We know that every second for customers without a car after a traffic accident or hit-and-run is a hassle. And, many insurance companies don’t offer courtesy cars. That’s why you should choose DSY Auto for your smash repairs, Yennora – we can drop you off at home or work after you deliver your car to our workshop for NSW smash repairs. If you prefer, we can easily arrange a free courtesy car for you as a replacement vehicle while we work on your repairs.
A car smash repair job consists of time and labour, and these things are used to work out the costs involved when restoring your vehicle. Unless you’re in the auto repairs business, you probably won’t know what these include, so we have detailed the steps followed during our car smash repair process to ensure transparency for our customers.
Here’s what you can expect, from when the accident occurred to after your car has been restored thanks to our business:
When you are involved in a car accident and after the dust settles, you can contact our business in Yennora NSW. DSY Auto can arrange to have your damaged car towed to our workshop if required.
Take note that we make sure our customers are in the loop with everything going on each step of the way. To begin with, our experienced panel beating team will perform a preliminary assessment and explain the necessary smash repairs to you so that you know exactly what is being done to your vehicle and why. A price estimation will be detailed, and we will provide a time frame when we hope to have your vehicle completed. Our business has a fantastic track record with insurance claims in Yennora, NSW. We are approved and licensed to do all insurance work for you.
Your insurance company will receive the quote and will then authorise the repairs. We can then begin the process of working to restore your vehicle by performing the car smash repairs. During this process, our technicians use specialised repair tools and machinery and only genuine parts. We also provide spray painting services and paintless dent removal if needed.
Once the repairs have been conducted, we use our state of the art machinery to scan and review your vehicle to confirm that everything’s working. At DSY Auto in Yennora NSW, we won’t release your vehicle until we are completely satisfied with the smash repairs.
Before we make the call to you, our team will wash your car inside and out to make sure it’s looking its best.
When you arrive for collection, we’ll review everything that was repaired together. If you’re content with the repairs and spray painting done by DSY Auto, we’ll hand over your car keys, and you and your car are ready to go. We also provide a warranty on all our smash repairs because we believe in our level of service and abilities.
Each member of our team in Yennora NSW has been in the car smash repair industry for many years and has gained valuable experience along the way. We recognise the need for quality smash repair in Sydney, so we are dedicated to providing quality workmanship by trained professionals.
Any damaged vehicle that should enter our smash repair workshop will receive top-notch service from our panel beaters. We will spray paint, panel beat, repair, and everything else required to return your car to you in pristine condition. We always aim to get customers’ cars back to them as soon as possible while still doing an excellent repair job without cutting any corners.
DSY Auto in Yennora, NSW, has access to state of the art machinery specifically designed for smash repairs after accidents and collisions. Our expertly trained team is highly skilled to provide only the best service in our industry.
Trust in our smash repair expertise like these car manufacturers do.