We understand that every minute without your vehicle after a car accident is a hassle – which is why we offer pick up and drop off services.
Getting your car repaired is never fun, especially when you have to spend extra time at the shop and take off work.
What if we told you that there’s a better way? Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could pick up and drop off your vehicle while it was being repaired for free? That would make things so much easier!
DSY Auto is here to help by providing our customers with a simple solution – Pick Up & Drop Off Services. This means that we can come to get your car from wherever it may be and then bring it back to us after repairs are complete.
You won’t have to worry about taking time off work or arranging transportation because we’ll do all of the legwork for you! It’s an innovative program designed with simplicity in mind, making life just a little bit easier.
Beyond our pick up and drop off services, we also offer courtesy car options, so you don’t have to worry about organising your way around while we’re fixing your car.
Although a hassle-free experience makes the repair process a whole lot easier, there are a few core qualities you should be looking for when shopping around for car repair services, including:
Before opting for any auto body repair shop, do your research by checking out local websites, reviews, photos, or ask friends for recommendations. A good repairer will offer a warranty for all workmanship performed, and their workshop will be fully licensed.
Here at DSY, we use state of the art repair machinery to analyse the car to restore it according to the factory specifications. This is an important step as it ensures the car frame remains structurally sound.
If you’re looking for quality customer service and premium care, you’re going to want a repairer who’s going to walk you through each step of the process. Here at DSY, our team, we'll make sure you're in the loop every step of the way.
We put our all into everything we do, from providing reliable estimates and delivering top-notch bodywork to arranging pick up and drop off services and arranging courtesy cars.